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MAESTRO and ACE Validation
About Us
ACE Mission
Instrument Telemetry Trends
Instrument Anomalies
Instrument Description
Data Access
History of the Data
Science and Validation
Retrieval and Validation of Water Vapour
Arctic Ozone Loss
Comparison of MAESTRO \(O_3\) and \(NO_2\) products
\(O_3\) and \(NO_2\) in the Arctic
\(NO_y\) Validation
Water Vapour Over Eureka
Validation of SAGE III \(O_3\) with ACE-FTS
Validation of Odin/SMR \(CO\) with ACE-FTS
Validation of SMILES \(HCl\) Profiles
Geophysical Variability in \(O_3\) Profiles
Validation of SAGE III Water Vapor
Improvement of Odin/SMR \(H_2O\) and Temperature
Assessment of ACE-FTS stratospheric O\(_3\)
The SPARC Water Vapor Assessment II: UTLS
Intercomparison of CO measurements
An improved OSIRIS NO\(_2\) profile retrieval
Global climatologies of water vapour and ozone in the UTLS
SAGE III/ISS ozone and NO\(_2\) validation
FTIR Measurements of Nitric Acid
Stratospheric Profiles from the LIFE Instrument
MIPAS Ozone Retrieval Version 8
Validation of ground-based HFC-134a measurements
Validation of ACE-FTS HCFC-22 measurements
Comparison of water vapour isotopologues
Validation of ACE-FTS ozone with ozonesonde measurements
ACE Validation
MAESTRO and ACE Validation
Contact Form
Contact Form
To contact the University of Toronto MAESTRO and ACE Validation Team please use this form.