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Science and Validation

Validation of ACE-FTS HCFC-22 measurements Validation of ACE-FTS HCFC-22 measurements
Validation of ground-based HFC-134a measurements Validation of ground-based HFC-134a measurements
MIPAS Ozone Retrieval Version 8 MIPAS Ozone Retrieval Version 8
Stratospheric Profiles from the LIFE Instrument Stratospheric Profiles from the LIFE Instrument
FTIR Measurements of Nitric Acid FTIR Measurements of Nitric Acid
SAGE III/ISS ozone and NO2 validation SAGE III/ISS ozone and NO2 validation
Global climatologies of water vapour and ozone in the UTLS Global climatologies of water vapour and ozone in the UTLS
An improved OSIRIS NO\(_2\) profile retrieval An improved OSIRIS NO\(_2\) profile retrieval
SPARC Water Vapor Assessment II: UTLS SPARC Water Vapor Assessment II: UTLS
Assessment of ACE-FTS stratospheric O\(_3\) Assessment of ACE-FTS stratospheric O\(_3\)
Improvement of Odin/SMR \(H_2O\) and Temperature Improvement of Odin/SMR \(H_2O\) and Temperature
Validation of SAGE III Water Vapor Validation of SAGE III Water Vapor
Geophysical Variability in \(O_3\) Profiles Geophysical Variability in \(O_3\) Profiles
Validation of SMILES \(HCl\) Profiles Validation of SMILES \(HCl\) Profiles
Validation of Odin/SMR \(CO\) with ACE-FTS Validation of Odin/SMR \(CO\) with ACE-FTS
Validation of SAGE III \(O_3\) with ACE-FTS Validation of SAGE III \(O_3\) with ACE-FTS
Retrieval and Validation of Water Vapour Retrieval and Validation of Water Vapour
Arctic Ozone Loss Arctic Ozone Loss
Comparison of MAESTRO \(O_3\) and \(NO_2\) Products Comparison of MAESTRO \(O_3\) and \(NO_2\) Products
\(O_3\) and \(NO_2\) in the Arctic \(O_3\) and \(NO_2\) in the Arctic
\(NO_y\) Validation \(NO_y\) Validation
Water Vapour Over Eureka Water Vapour Over Eureka