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Validation of Odin/SMR \(CO\) with ACE-FTS

The Sub-Millimeter Radiometer (SMR) instrument onboard the Swedish-led Odin satellite was launched on 20th February 2001. The SMR has 5 receivers, A1 (541-558 Hz), A2 (486-504 Hz), B1 (563-581 Hz), B2 (547-564 Hz), C (118.25-119.25 Hz). Odin/SMR measures CO, from the thermal emission line corresponding to the J=5→4 rotational transition at 576.268 GHz. The vertical resolution of the CO measurements are 3–7 km.

In this study the new dataset which is part of the Odin/SMR version 3.0 level 2 data has been used. A frequency correction has been applied to the spectra before retrieval is performed which recovered a part of the data set that was affected by the malfunctioning phase-lock loop (PLL). The PLL is used in the front end of the instrument for CO measurements. In this process a basic frequency correction was applied to the spectra and the retrieval was set up using this new spectra and a new version of the Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Simulator (ARTS) operational processing system which has been developed for SMR retrievals. In the next step a broadening correction was applied. The figure below shows the amount of data recovered from level 1 data using this method denoted as version 3.0 level 2.


Comparison with ACE-FTS

A total of 12 925 coincident CO measurements between ACE-FTS and SMR were found between February 2004 (first available ACE-FTS CO measurements) and March 2019. The figure below shows spatial and temporal average comparison between ACE-FTS and Odin/SMR. The relative difference decreases almost monotonically with altitude, from a maximum of +15 % at 50 km to a minimum of almost −15 % at the highest altitudes. In particular, the difference decreases more quickly between 50 and 60 km from 15 % to near 0 %. SMR and ACE-FTS are in extremely good agreement with each other between 60 and 75 km, with a relative difference close to zero. The difference then slowly decreases with altitude up to about −15 % at 90 km and finally increases almost imperceptibly between 90 and 100 km.



Grieco, F., Pérot, K., Murtagh, D., Eriksson, P., Forkman, P., Rydberg, B., Funke, B., Walker, K. A., and Pumphrey, H. C.: Recovery and validation of Odin/SMR long-term measurements of mesospheric carbon monoxide, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 13, 5013–5031,, 2020.